Barium nitrate crystals: Ba(NO3)2
Crystal belongs to cubic system
Space group P213
Unit cell dimension a = 8.11A
Density: 3.25 g/cm3
Moos' hardness: 2.5 - 3.0
Transmission range : 0.35 - 1.8 mm
Index of refraction: n = 1.5551 (l = 1.06 mm)
Raman active mode 1047 cm-1
Relative parameter of optical uniformity (d n/cm): (3 - 7) x10-6 cm-1
Crystals don't contain gas cavities and inclusions but sometimes several gas cavities (dimensions are about few microns) take place. Barium nitrate crystals are relatively new and important material for SRS-converter, providing nonlinear conversion of radiation frequency of solid-state laser due to effect of SRS. Crystals provide the following characteristics of SHG-conversion for neodymium laser (l = 0.53 mm):
1) radiation wavelength having conversion coefficient equal to 40-50 % 0.56 mm
2) radiation wavelength having conversion coefficient equal to 15% 0.6 mm
Crystals are to be used for changing of laser frequency converter in tune lasers, that make it possible to improve operation of instruments.
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