Sodium nitrate crystals: NaNO3
Crystals belong to trigonal system
Space group R3c, uniaxial, negative
Unit cell dimensions a = 5,07A; c = 16,81A
Density: 2,27 g/cm3
Moos' hardness: 1,5 - 2,0
Transmission range : 320 - 1800 nm
Index of refraction: no = 1.5874 (D)
ne = 1.3361 (D)
no-ne = 0.2513
Raman active mode 1068 cm-1.
Crystals has perfect cleavage along face of rhombohedron {1011}.
Crystals are colourless; has no centers of light diffusion; unstressed. This fact make them very perspective when used in polarizing optics. Average change of refractive index ( ? n/cm ) in cut parallel to optic axis is to be 1.5x10-5 for o-beam and 0.8x10-5 for e-beam; in cut perpendicular to optic axis is to be 4.5x10-4. Sodium nitrate crystals can be used as SRS- converters of SHG for neodymium laser. In this case effectivity of radiation conversion to wavelengths 560, 600, 640 nm achieves 60%. Dimensions of pieces for producing element of polarizing optics: 43x43x43 mm3
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